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To Azar, all the objects she draws or paints represent humans or have human qualities. Everything is a symbol of something from her life. The fruit is not just a fruit; she is the pear or the flower. She is the fish out of water, trying to stay alive out of her element. The color, the atmosphere, the shading-all have her feelings. She releases her feelings through her brush strokes. Azar sees feelings in everything; she has chosen calm, cool colors as she had the need to feel calm and cool.

When she was closed up in her house in Iran during bad times, she painted what was there as it was impossible to go out. Many of her works show a window as she observed life only through a window.

These renditions of flowers and fish are all she has left now. She lost 32 of her paintings when she tried to get them out of her country secretly. Her brother took some of them, rolled up in a tube, into Turkey and tried to ship them but the package never arrived. One package of rolled-up oils sent to her daughter was delayed so long that when she unpacked them, she found they had dried out and cracked.

If you want to know more about Azar's work, please email her at
Azar will be very happy to answer your questions.